Price Trend of Haloxyfop-P-methyl in China to 2025 07-14-2023

In 2022, the ex-works price of haloxyfop-P-methyl technical in China rebounded sharply, owing to the rising cost of raw materials: the ex-works price of CCMP has decreased by nearly XXX% year on year from the beginning of 2022 to the end of 2022. The price of haloxyfop-P-methyl technical in Nov. 2022 was about USDXXX/t, showing a downward trend.

From 2018 to 2022, China's total export volume (converted to 100% AI) of haloxyfop-P-methyl products reached the peak in 2022. China's total export volume (converted to 100% AI) of haloxyfop-P-methyl products increased from XXX tonnes in 2021 to XXX tonnes in 2022, up XXX% year on year. The price of haloxyfop-P-methyl products showed a upward trend from 2021 to 2022. In 2023, the export volume is expected to remain stable or further increase.

With the implementation of the "Action Plan for Chemical Pesticide Reduction by 2025" and the "Implementation Plan for Establishing a Sound Carbon Peak Carbon Neutrality Standard Measurement System", higher requirements have been put forward for enterprises in the pesticide industry. For enterprises that develop and produce efficient and low-risk pesticides with good prevention and production efficiency and low dosage, they will be able to gain certain advantages in the future pesticide market.

Affected by the price of raw materials, the ex-works price of Chinese haloxyfop-P-methyl technical down regulation in 2022. The ex-works price of haloxyfop-P-methyl in China will continue to decline and remain stable in the next two years.

Main contents:

No. Content

1 Executive summary
2 Introduction and methodology
3 Price of haloxyfop-P-methyl in China, 2018–2022
4 Influencing factor analysis of price of haloxyfop-P-methyl
4.1 Registration of haloxyfop-P-methyl in China
4.2 Export analysis
4.3 Policies
5 Forecast on price of haloxyfop-P-methyl in China to 2025

List of tables:

Table No. Table Title
Table 2-1 USD/CNY exchange rates, Jan. 2018–Dec. 2022
Table 4.1-1 Formulation type of haloxyfop-P-methyl registrations in China, as of 1 June, 2023
Table 4.1-2 Valid registrations of haloxyfop-P-methyl technical in China, as of 1 June, 2023
Table 4.2-1 China's exports of haloxyfop-P-methyl by major destination, 2018–2022
Table 4.2-2 China's exports of haloxyfop-P-methyl by month, 2022
Table 4.2-3 China's exports of haloxyfop-P-methyl by month, 2021
Table 4.2-4 China's exports of haloxyfop-P-methyl by month, 2020
Table 4.2-5 China's exports of haloxyfop-P-methyl by month, 2019
Table 4.2-6 China's exports of haloxyfop-P-methyl by month, 2018

List of figures:

Figure No. Figure Title
Figure 3-1 Monthly average ex-works price of 95% haloxyfop-P-methyl technical in China, 2020–2022
Figure 3-2 Annual average ex-works price of 95% haloxyfop-P-methyl technical in China, 2018–2022

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